Sunday, February 12, 2012

Difference between Game Programming and Game Art & Design?

I was wondering the difference between these two jobs and what I would be doing day to day in each, also what type of attributes would be good for each?|||Programming = writing the code that drives the game.

Art = what you see on the screen when running the game. The game engine (program) picks the correct art for the current situation and shows it to you.|||They're completely different.

If you've ever done 3D modeling, you'll know that it takes a hell of a lot more time to make any object than if you're to draw 2D sprites. With 3D games, the giant game companies have several people to create the model's shape, a few people to makes the textures that show up on these blank models, and a other people to make the model's animations through three-dimensional space. Game Art has a lot to do with that. If it's a 2D game, the job is a lot easier, you simply draw in art programs and make all the scenery and pictures and character art and everything like that.

Game Design is something different, but I don't know if you're looking at something that has "Art %26amp; Design" stuffed together as one concept. Game design as its own subject is what everybody and their mother wants to do. Game designers are the ones who come up with the rules of the game and how they want people to act in their game. They're the ones who say, "I HAVE THIS GREAT IDEA FOR A GAME," and then try to get it to happen. They're the decision makers on what goes into the game and what doesn't. You don't want too many designers, because they're the creative people for it. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

For Game Programming, it depends on how big the game is. If it's a big studio-published game, programmers use the tool designed by the coders to make all the game rules and effects happen. They make happen what the designer wants. If the designer thinks wizards should cast a Fireball spell that does 50 damage, the game programmer clicks through the interface and types in the change. Things like that.

Finally, game coders sometimes overlap with game programmers, but sadly often not. They're the robust backbone that makes everything happen but goes unappreciated. They design the "game engine" and the tool that the programmers use to change everything very easily. These are the people who know computer languages and type in C#, Java, Python, whatever so that they can make the entire game world exist and function. Because of the difficult of making game world physics from scratch, and the sheer amount of time, this is the reason games use "engines" that are already pre-made for them. You'll hear of games using the "Havok physics engine," "the Unreal engine", "the Crysis engine", even "Legend of the Green Dragon" is a game engine for online text-based MMOs. Someone has already done the work of writing core coding for types of video games, so no reason to invent the wheel. Just take that code and substitute your own models, art, numbers, text, and make new maps. Saves time.|||I think that Game Programming is more focused on programming the game, while Game Art %26amp; Design is more focused on designing the game (idea, graphics, etc). Not sure thought. :P|||THEY HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES AND. AND YOU SHOULD MAKE A GAME WITH ZOMBIES IN IT SO IT WILL BE COOL.

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