Monday, January 23, 2012

What does a game art and designer do?

im interested in video game designing but it requires a lot of geometry and algebra and im horrible at math. then i got to thinking of a job where you illustrate for game designers before they design it in the computers. what is it called to illustrate games at their beginning stage of development? and if it is game art and design, what do i need to become this, like how many years of college or what kind of classes?What does a game art and designer do?
The job you are describing would be known as the "2-D concept artist". It is the most competitive art job to get into in the game industry.

You don麓t necessarily need college, per se. What you need is a good art education. Many Universities have crappy art programs. I know that UCSB had a pretty awful one according to my sister.

Your best bet if you want to get into that competitive field is to go to an art school that has connections with the industry. Academy of Art University in San Francisco is one that comes to mind, and Gnomon in Hollywood. Those aren麓t the only ones but if you Google them it may give you a starting point in your search for more information than I can give here.

And if you have no art experience, you best get started now - you will need to start the long journey all artists take towards mastering the craft. It will take longer than 4 years to get to the level most concept artists are at.

You may also want to check out this site: http://www.conceptart.orgWhat does a game art and designer do?
A game art and designer designs the game and the art for the game.

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