Monday, January 30, 2012

How do your kids use their toys, games or art supplies?

Do your kids use their toys exactly as they are meant to?

I never force my kids to play games or use their toys the exact way they are intended. For example, if they want to use the checkers from the checkers game as coins they are allowed as long as they return them to the game. Same with art supplies - my 5 yo daughter loves to draw and cut out shapes. She doesn't really use them for anything but she enjoys doing it and I think it is teaching her valuable skills. My husband makes comments like 'she is wasting the paper' and he tries to correct them with the checkers - 'the checkers are for the game'... I don't think that way - I think they are doing creative things.

Your thoughts?How do your kids use their toys, games or art supplies?
had to laugh on that one. no, they use things for purposes that no human mind had previously conceived. the playing cards being taped into a parachute for the toy people being tossed from the top step come to mind, but there are plenty of other examples. which is fine (and even great) by me and, as in your family, somewhat less fine with my husband.
I agree with you completely. Kids have great imaginations, they think the world is a play ground and somewhere along the way of "growing up" we lose that. I encourage it with my daughter as well.How do your kids use their toys, games or art supplies?
i see it as creative also there using there imagination which is good.
My husband and I are planning on having kids in the next couple of years, and I happen to agree with you, and so does he. Kids are meant to be creative. I never used anything the way it was 'supposed' to be used, and now I am an event planner. I own my own business, and I am doing really well.

I think that part of the reason that so few adults have any imagination is that it is stomped out of them as kids. The items you bought her were for her to enjoy, right? They are supposed to be fun for HER, not your husband. It is not as though the paper is used for something else more 'important' in the house, and the checkers are not damaged by her using them as coins, so what is the issue?

Being creative is key to enjoying life. Good on your daughter, and on you for having fun. Tell your husband to relax, and if he is worried, there are plenty of books and magazines out there that can verify the importance of fantasy and imagination in a child's development.How do your kids use their toys, games or art supplies?
I agree with you to an extent. My children occasionally push the limit by getting into things that don't belong to them because they have come to feel that anything is fair game as long as it is returned. I had to draw the line the day I caught them wanting to play paper dolls with pictures I have of my mother as a child.

I have tried to encourage them to be creative and see the options instead of limitations. Sometimes this has worked for me and sometimes it has had less than pleasant endings. I wish I knew how to create a balance that they understand.
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