Thursday, January 26, 2012

Video Games as an Art Form?

Many people say that video games are not art. Though movies and paintings are. Why cant a video game which has movies and can have beautiful landscapes and portraits?

Call me what you will i honestly could not care.Video Games as an Art Form?
I think one of the reasons why video games aren't taken seriously as an art form is because people think video games are just for kids. Another thing, Art History spans from the first cave paintings to the present day, making video games a relatively new medium. Usually when something is new, it is challenged and mostly rejected, but I do think that in the future, video games will be given the chance to grow and be taken more seriously.Video Games as an Art Form?
I think it's because some people think of it as something that you can play with rather than saying "oh this looks like a really neat artwork, I wonder how they designed this"? I consider it an art form, but to others they just think it's a tool. Also the fact that it's not traditional is a problem to the really old artists who haven't done digital art (or if they did they don't like it).Video Games as an Art Form?
I certainly think computer games are art. This is speaking as someone who both plays and designs computer games as hobbies.

Of course, not all art is aesthetically pleasing, and in many fields, often the works considered the most artistic are really quite ugly.
A new way of art. I think art can be as diverse as the human mind.

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