Monday, January 23, 2012

Serious question: Are video games art?

I consider great, classic movies like Forrest Gump, Star Wars, The Wizard Of Oz, The Sound Of Music, Saving Private Ryan The Dark Knight, The Matrix Back to the Future, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, etc. to be art.

I also consider groundbreaking, classic video games like Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake, Half-life, Half-life 2, Grand Theft Auto 3, Call Of Duty, etc. to be art at the same level as great movies.

Why do many people consider movies art, and not video games? What's the difference?

I consider myself different from many video gamers, because when I am playing a video game for the first time, I don't do things in the game that I don't believe my character would do. For example, I refused to smash scientists in the face with a crowbar in Half-life or shoot my fellow soldiers in the Call of Duty series, while having no second thoughts about throwing a few grenades into a crowded street in Grand theft Auto: Vice City.

I realize that not all gamers do this, and I can understand not calling shooting human soldiers in the back in Halo: Combat Evolved art, but when a video game is created to allow a player to experience the story, in the same way that a movie does, I don't know how someone can dismiss it as teenagers wasting time.

What are your thoughts?Serious question: Are video games art?
yes! especially games like Kingdom Hearts. Its story and everything in it is pretty much amazing. And how else do you get the characters if you don't draw them before virtualizing them?

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