Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do I organize art supplies and other miscellaneous things?

So, I recently had cabinets installed in my son's play area. I have lots of space to put play-doh, bubbles, art supplies, games, etc but I've just been staring at empty cabinets for a couple of days now. I have no idea how to go about storing these things so that they can be easily taken out and put back in neatly. Any ideas?How do I organize art supplies and other miscellaneous things?
I got these plastic shoeboxes from Bed, Bath, %26amp; Beyond. I also think you can get them from Walmart. I think 5 come in a pack and they cost $10. I put all the playdough in one box, all the markers in another, etc. Plus you can stick a label on them (like a picture of whatever is in the box). They are stackable and portable. I also stick some things in gallon sized plastic ziplock bags.
we used to do baskets and containers but they would just get broken or lost so i started seperating everything and putting them into ziplocs... it makes things a lot easier to find and get out, keeps it much much cleaner, is a lot cheaper to replace... it just works much better i find. We have one of those rolling drawer things... like 5 drawers high... we keep all their art stuff in there in the ziploc bags, the kids can access them whenever they wantHow do I organize art supplies and other miscellaneous things?
Do you have an Ikea? They make great things for organizing. I use baskets and plastic containers that have little drawers.
Little baskets and containers and bagsHow do I organize art supplies and other miscellaneous things?
Store them by color?

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